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Docker Tor

What is Tor

The Tor Project is a nonprofit organization primarily responsible for maintaining software for the Tor anonymity network. The Tor browser is the most well known piece of software maintained. The Tor Browser uses the onion network to anonymize browsing and the onion network relies on tor relays to achieve this.

Tor can't help you if you use it wrong! Learn how to be safe at

What is this image

This docker image runs a Tor service on an Alpine linux base image. The Tor service that can be configure, as single or combination of a:

  1. Tor Socks5 proxy into the onion network (default)
  2. Tor hidden service for onion websites (not supported yet)
  3. Tor relay to support the onion network (not supported yet)

This docker image will:

  • Start with an Alpine linux base image
  • Download the Tor source code tarballs and associated signature file
  • Verify the Tor source tarballs against Roger Dingledine: 0xEB5A896A28988BF5 key
  • Compile Tor from source
  • Templates out the Tor config file torrc (this step is skipped if torrc.lock file exists in the /tor directory)
  • Set a torrc.lock file to persist config file
  • Starts the tor service

During container creation the container will log creation of the config file, the templated config file and once created will log any Tor notifications.

This image exposes port 9050/tcp and 9051/tcp.

Data can be persisted and torrc config manually edited by mounting the /tor directory.

How to use this image

Create a docker image with the following docker run command

docker run -d --name tor -p 9050:9050 -v <your-folder>:/tor barneybuffet/tor:latest

Docker compose file:

version: "3.9"

    container_name: tor
    image: barneybuffet/tor:latest
      TOR_PROXY: 'true'
      TOR_PROXY_PORT: '9050'
      TOR_PROXY_ACCEPT: 'accept,accept,accept,accept'
      TOR_CONTROL: 'false'
      TOR_CONTROL_PORT: '9051'
      TOR_CONTROL_PASSWORD: 'password'
      TOR_CONTROL_COOKIE: 'true'
      TOR_SERVICE: 'false'
      TOR_RELAY: 'false'

      - tor:/tor/
      - "9050:9050/tcp"
    restart: unless-stopped


This image sets the Tor data directory to /tor, including the authorisation cookie. To persist Tor data and config you can mount the /tor directory from your image.

If the Tor configuration you are after isn't set by the container environmental variables you can modify the /tor/torrc for your custom configuration. The torrc file will persist while the /tor/torrc.lock file is present.

Available Environmental Flags

Below is a list of available environmental flags that can be set during container creation.

Flag Choices/Default Comments
TOR_LOG_CONFIG true/false Should the tor config file torrc be echo'd to the log. This can be helpful when setting up a new Tor daemon
TOR_PROXY true/false Set up the Tor daemon as a Socks5 proxy
TOR_PROXY_PORT string (9050) What port the Tor daemon should listen to for proxy requests
TOR_PROXY_SOCKET true/false Create a unix socket for the proxy in the data folder
TOR_PROXY_ACCEPT Accept localhost and RFC1918 networks, reject all others What IP addresses are allowed to route through the proxy
TOR_CONTROL true/false Should the Tor control be enabled
TOR_CONTROL_PORT string (9051) What port should the Tor daemon be controlled on. If enabled cookie authentication is also enabled by default
TOR_CONTROL_SOCKET true/false Create a unix socket for the Tor control
TOR_CONTROL_PASSWORD string Authentication password for using the Tor control port
TOR_CONTROL_COOKIE true/false Cookie to confirm when Tor control port request sent
TOR_SERVICE true/false Set up the Tor daemon with hidden services
TOR_SERVICE_HOSTS hostname=wan-port:redict-ip:rediect-port Tor hidden service configuration
TOR_SERVICE_HOSTS_CLIENTS hostname:client-1,client-2,... Authorised clients for hostname
